Reminder of military appreciation night at the basketball games vs. Gayville-Volin tomorrow night. 4:30 JV; 5:45 girls varsity and 7:30 boys varsity. All current and retired military personnel will be admitted to the games for free. Thank you for your service.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
The wrestlers added a quad to their schedule today and will wrestle at Mt. Vernon tomorrow night (Tuesday, Jan. 26) 5:00 start time.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl Varsity boys play Great Plains Lutheran today at the DSU Classic at 1:30
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Wolves win 55-41 over Freeman in varsity girls.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Wolves GBB up 30-17 at the half over Freeman.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
JV Girls win at Freeman 34-14. Good job girls!
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
The One Act Play will be performing the play “Pandemic” on Saturday night in the old gym at 7:00 pm. The play was written by high school students Kyle K., Kaelie M., Laura F. and their teacher Mrs. Betsy Knodel in play productions class last spring.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
BBB varsity will play on Saturday at the DSU Mustang Seeds Classic in Madison at the DSU Fieldhouse. Game time is 1:30 vs. Great Plains Lutheran. Game Information: All fans must wear face masks or shields when they enter the Fieldhouse. We will limit seating to 33% or 265 fans. We will ask fans to clear the gym after each game. They can leave and return for the next game if they keep their ticket. Coaches and athletes not playing are required to wear face masks. Admissions: Adults- $8.00 / $4.00 K-12/ Pre-School and younger- Free Programs: $1.00; Full Concessions Available
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
GBB tonight at Freeman--JV starts at 6:15 with varsity to follow. The game will not be on Live Ticket TV but instead free on - All adults and students in grades 5-12 may attend. - Kids younger than 5th grade may attend if a sibling of rostered participant (admitted with adult). - Masks and social distancing encouraged
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Menno varsity boys will 59-33 over Freeman Flyers. JV boys also win 42-23. @sd_scores
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Wrestling Quad at Flandreau 5:00. Good luck wrestlers.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Wolves BBB hosts Freeman tonight in a Cornbelt Conference matchup. JV starts at 6:15 with varsity to follow. Games will be live streamed on Wolves Live Ticket. #GoWolves
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
One Act Play "Pandemic" will perform at Sioux Falls Lutheran High School on Wednesday, January 27th at 3:15. No live audiences allowed. Livestreaming will be available.
over 3 years ago, Betsy Knodel
One Act Play practice picture
Please return your Cheer Form registrations to Ms. Lehr by Wednesday, Jan. 20 so shirts & bows can be ordered
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Menno Wolves GBB lose a close one at Ethan— 53-56 final score.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Wolves GBB takes a 38-37 lead at the end of the third qtr at Ethan.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Varsity boys b-ball loses to Ethan 22-66.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
The Menno Post Prom Committee would like to extend a big Thank-You to all the junior and senior parents and students, teachers and alumni, and Billie Masterson for your donations of food, money, and/or time this past Saturday at our 5th & 6th Grade Boys Basketball Tournament. It takes a tribe to make this tournament a success. We appreciate your help! Our committee would also like to thank all the spectators who attended, and the students who participated in, the tournament and visited our concession stand. We greatly appreciate your generous support! Because of everyone...we are able to provide a night full of laughter and memories for Post Prom Party 2021!!
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
Tonight the wrestlers travel to Hurley for the Viborg-Hurley Triangular with Garretson at 6:00. Good luck Owen and Chris.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl
The Ethan After Prom will be serving walking tacos at the Ethan vs. Menno double header today.
over 3 years ago, MHS Athletic/Activity Director-J. Liebl