Preschool and Begindergarten
Menno Public School will continue to offer a Preschool and Begindergarten class for the 2024-2025 school year.
Children who are five years of age by Sept. 1 but not ready to attend Kindergarten may enroll in Begindergarten at no charge. Begindergarden classes will be held five days a week.
Children must be four years of age by September 1st, 2024 to enroll in Preschool. Preschool children will be required to attend four days per week with the fifth day optional.
Preschool and Begindergarten students who reside within the Menno School District will have the option of riding the school bus and taking part in the National School Lunch Program. Students living outside the Menno School District who wish to open enroll will also be considered.
Costs for 2024-2025 School Year
5 Day Week - $200/month
4 Day Week - $165/month
Families interested in enrolling their child/children may stop in or call the school office at 387-5161